BNXFINEX - The world's largest crypto exchange
Bnxfinex offers investors a trading platform friendly and easy to use with a variety of products programmed by the Bnxfinex in many devices to help customers trade anytime, anywhere. Experts who work with Bnxfinex are those who have knowledge about the market, customer psychology, and has a mission to bring the product Bnxfinex to more than 100 countries around the world. Exchange, has a team of strong support with a large number of customers all over the world.
BNX platform FINEX is a decentralized exchange known as BNX Bank is a crypto trading platform designed to ensure security and transparency of trading. Trading activities are carried out in a decentralized manner and traders take control and manage their funds and assets through their Private keys. Under this trading system, the trader's identity is kept secret while the intermediary service is completely bypassed.
Come to Bnxfinex, users will enjoy the payment method is simple and convenient, so it provides investment environment for all customers, from beginners up to trade investment to experienced players. Stability is another reason to trust our partners so that during the operation and the expansion, Bnxfinex always attached to the value of the customer.
What is that BNXFINEX?
BNXFINEX is alternatifbayaran-based trading platforms of the exchange the exchange of cryptocurrency that is fast, convenient,and safe. BNXFINEX menthilangkan kodeokan code kwitsa, high cost, and delays bi ternadi padaem current and meningya dangganya network that is simple, affordable,quick.
BNX FINEX Exchange Market
Total Supply for Savings: 3,000,000
Amount Remaining Supply: 2,586,144
Remaining Blocks: 13
Starting Price: 1.1
Target: 3,000,000
BNX goes to the next block: 186,144
Token BNX
The BNX Token is developed based on the ERC20 standard belonging to the Ethereum network.
Token Name: BNX Token
Symbol: BNX
Total Volume: 12.000.000
The BNX Token will be distributed to a follower:
Marketing: 2.000.000
Savings: 3.000.000
The Community Fund: 3.000.000
The Foundation Fund: 4.000.000
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