DIVS - ​Cryptocurrency Exchange That Rewards You Tron

Centralized and decentralized exchange platforms. Both have the same function but have different bases. Usually, a centralized exchange platform is controlled by a certain party. And for a decentralized exchange platform, it is an automated platform, the user is in full control of assets, trades, and more.

Our vibrant and enthusiastic community has many questions to ask. For those who want to get to know DivsExchange quickly, we are sure our company will help you.We combine multiple centralized exchanges into a single user-friendly interface that is easy enough to use for everyone, what makes us special is that we share the exchange fees with our users who stake our tokens.We have created this company which is to bring change to the industry by redistributing most of the exchange fees to users as weekly giveaways.


Divs.io is a brand new decentralized exchange that rewards its users with Tron tokens. 0.5% of all Divs trading volume is distributed to DIVS token holders in the form of TRON.The DIVS token is a cryptocurrency that is expected to launch in the first quarter of 2021. If you plan to trade on Divs, it is important to keep this new token once it is launched as it rewards you with weekly dividends on all trading volume. This is a great source of passive income as all you need to do to make any money is simply to hold and stake the token for the long term.



DIVS provides exchange services that have a different business model compared to similar platforms. Because, Divs, The first exchange to reward users with the exchange fees. Therefore the DIVS business model is considered a "game-changer" in the industry. However, that is not the only thing that makes DIVS different from its competitors, the following are the features offered by DIVS;

Low Fees: The fees offered by DIVS are quite low compared to competitors. DIVS only charges a 1% fee for each transaction made by users.

3rd Party API: Divs have delivered an easy-to-use exchange interface using a trusted API provider.

No Sign-up Or Registration: Users do not need to sign-up or register when using DIVS services.

Exchange: The exchange process is very easy and does not take a long time, usually it will be completed in 5-30mins, but can be much faster than that.

Favorite Coins: DIVS offers users the choice of more than 200 tokens to exchange from. With just 3 easy steps, users can make trades.

Rewards: Users can get rewards in the form of Tron tokens if they become a DIVS token holder.


DIVS Token
DIVS issues a token that will later serve as a token that will support the operation of the platform. Users who hold the DIVS token and stake it are entitled to receive rewards according to their participation. Rewards are distributed every week on Monday at 00:00 am UTC in Tron. The plan is that DIVS will launch a DIVS token pre-sale program, for details please refer to this link https://divs.io/presale.html


DIVS is an exchange platform that offers an easy-to-use cryptocurrency exchange that rewards users in Tron tokens. DIVS focuses more on exchange services that prioritize easability, scalability, and user incentives. With the solutions offered by DIVS, users can be more facilitated and empowered through the platforms they use. Moreover, DIVS can accelerate the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.

WEB: https://divs.io/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Divs_official
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DivsExchange

BTT Username: syedrasool2020
BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2278993
Proof: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5310304.msg56185162#msg56185162
Telegram: @syedrasool201


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